Kladská educational trail
The path has been in continuous operation since September 1977. It is 9.5 km from Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad - Kladská road) and 5 km from Lázně Kynžvart.

Availability either by individual car journey, by bus from Marienbad or on foot on marked hiking trails. Entrance to the educational trail from the Kladská – Prameny road (250 m from the hunting lodge in the village of Kladská in the direction of Prameny). The path leads around the Kladské rybník on the edge of the Kladské raseliny national nature reserve in the part called Taiga.
The route itself leads over an elevated wooden footbridge. The total length of the route is 1.6 km. There are numerous rest areas and viewing points all around. From the end of the path, the barrier-free part is mainly accessible to wheelchair users. Hiking the nature trail does not require special clothing and is not physically demanding.
8 information boards - stops
Entrance plaque – why protect the Kaiserwald? Landmark of the landscape protection area + symbolic flower of the Imperial Forest Arnica chlumní, geological development of the relief of the Imperial Forest.
History of the Kladská settlement, residents of the reservoir.
Past and present of the forest stands of the Kaiserwald, fauna of the Kaiserwald.
Mineral springs of the Slavkov Forest - origin, development, relationships. Properties of some mineral springs.
Rare fauna and flora of the Kladské raseliny national nature reserve – taiga bog.
Formation and distribution of humoliths (bogs, transitional bogs, highlands).
The history of medieval tin mining in Slavkovské les and the technical monument Dlouhá stoka.
Beautiful nature for people - nature and landscape protection in the Czech Republic, basic tasks and mission of landscape protection areas. Overview of the signs of the oldest protected landscape areas and national parks in the Czech Republic.